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Pixel 2 Portrait Mode Available on Nexus 5X, Nexus 6P, Pixel (2016) With Camera NX v7.3 App

The Portrait Mode on the Pixel 2 and Pixel 2 XL smartphones has been one of the most talked about features since launch. A new APK has now been released that lets users borrow Portrait Mode on earlier models including the original Pixel range (2016), the Nexus 5X, and the Nexus 6P. Called Camera NX V7.3, this app claims to unlock all camera features of the Pixel 2.
The new app, reported by Chromloop, is a Google Camera mod and lets users activate the Portrait Mode on their Nexus (2015) and Pixel (2016) smartphones. Based on Google Camera 5.1.016, this APK enables Pixel Detector (PD) data in the camera.experiment2017 library, which is responsible for activating Portrait Mode in the Pixel 2 range. Also, this app will replace the Lens Blur mode, in the earlier smartphones, with Portrait Mode.
Camera NX version 7.3 offers the face retouching feature for images clicked from both the front and the back camera. It does need a human face to offer the 'Portrait mode' feature and will provide a regular image otherwise.
The app will provide two images, one with the portrait effect and a regular, HDR+ image. Developer Charles Chow also states that some features including Help and Feedback in Settings and silent feedback service will be disabled to resolve a black screen issue. The new APK has been tested on the Nexus 5X and is expected to work on other mentioned models as well.
Charles Chow had recently also released features like AR stickers and AR Core app for Nexus 5X and Nexus 6P, albeit with a fair share of bugs like upside down orientation. The app is in beta and Chow is working on a stable build for the future.
The Camera NX v7.3 APK can be downloaded here. A NOZSL version will arrive later.

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